Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Grrrrrrr Bloody Grrrrrr

The washing machine has packed up and the last remaining knob on the cooker looks set to curl up it's toes. I walked into my studio, after a couple of weeks, with the intention of completing a painting. I hated the picture immediately. The place was a mess. Hmmmm. I sat and turned the pages of  THIS  to 4th May. Aaaaahhhh !

Sat for a while then painted over the picture with white paint. There is still a ghost of an image, but I feel a lot happier!

In other news. I'm off on a jaunt next month. A solitary retreat to an island. People keep asking me if I will be painting. I don't think I will. I don't want to get bogged down with painting what I see. I want to just be open to ideas........Balancing stones maybe, like THIS

Or This !

It's a start LOL.